Monday, February 20, 2006

Ugly Emails From Total Strangers

So I get an email saying to check my Yahoo Personals mailbox because there is a new message there. I rarely receive ugly emails like this, but when I do, I invariably shake my head.

This is what greeted me...

On 02/19/2006 09:37 pm EST, Woody wrote:
I read your profile again to see why we were obviously not a good match. The truth is I could not find a thing. Then I realized. Some women are pompous bitches that think they already know everything. Enjoy the membership. Sounds like you are a life long member. P.S. no longer am I even remotely interested. Buh bye now.

I ask myself, "What does he hope to accomplish with this?" Does he really expect me to say, "Gee, maybe I was wrong. Maybe we ARE a good match."

I'm so very thankful that he's shown me the error of my ways!

Let's review... this is how he reacts when someone is not interested in him. What would posess someone to take the time to write a total stranger an ugly email like this? Can you say "Psycho!?"

Just in case I ever wondered whether or not I was a good judge of character... I was "dead on" when it came to my assessment of whether or not this guy was a good potential match.


KR said...

Wow - that is amazing! (amazingly horrible!) Good call on letting that one go! :)

bayouinga said...

Thanks for the positive feedback, y'all. Much appreciated.

I don't let those kinds of emails get me down, but sometimes it's a bit disheartening to realize that I have to even be exposed to it.


Mandy said...

Can you bitter? (the guy, not you)