Thursday, January 26, 2006

Great Stuff From An Unlikely Source

As I noted in a previous post, I'm huge fan of ABC's The Bachelor and often read the show's message boards. Lo and behold, the other day I was surfing the boards looking for some juicy show gossip to share with my friends when I ran across a thread about online dating. Of course, I had to check it out. The thread originated from someone asking if anyone on the boards ever did it. Several people posted their experiences, and I referred her to my post of 10 Things I've Learned From Profile Omissions.

Another poster checked out my blog and responded with a link to an article she wrote for about what helps online daters who meet, stay together. Turns out this poster has a PhD, has conducted some interesting research, and is a very good writer.

Here's her post to me and a link to her article.

Very good stuff, onthebayou--

Here is a link to something i wrote for called: "You met
online. Will it last?" This looks mainly at couples who formed
successful longterm relationships. Comparing them to people who

I've tried it myself and have met a few good people, but not a
partner. Here's wishing us all the best of luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, an interesting and thought provoking post. Dr. Barker is clearly an advocate for successful relationships forming online. Although I am not in a position to agree or disagree, she points out aspects that are critical to entering into any successful relationship. She outlined communication, timing of discussing sex, places to meet, and a few other ideas for consideration. I have tried the online dating and very little of face-to-face meeting as I recently found myself alone after what I thought was a successful relationship. I point this out because I still feel that on-line dating has a stigma for me. Dr. Barker pointed out some advantages to the on-line strategy. Good article…