Ok. I'm really confused. I'm really trying to understand something. How does someone get to age 34 and not know the difference between "thank" and "think" or "look" and "like" or "well" and "will?" And what does that say about the person who uses the words incorrectly?
Does it say anything at all?
Does it indicate a learning disability? (As a special education teacher, that's the first question that comes to mind.)
Does it indicate ignorance? Lack of education? What?!?!
Maybe I wouldn't even notice if I weren't a Language Arts teacher.
Why do I even care?
Because he's really nice and attentive and attractive and funny and considerate and noble and regularly goes to church, etc... etc... etc...
I'm referring to the Fireman.
He's not a meathead or anything. That's not what I mean. But it's so strange. He writes how he talks (MAJOR country twang) which isn't in and of itself an odd thing. It's more than that.
For example, he sent me a text message telling me that he was going to buy a bike. Instead of writing "I think I'm going to look for a bike," he wrote "I thank I'm going to like for a bike." And it wasn't a typo... for one, the letters a and i don't share keys and neither do i and o. That would be one explanation. But it's not. Plus, he's written "thank" for "think" several times, as well as written the word "well" for "will." And then I got to thinking... that's EXACTLY how he would pronounce the words. It's one thing to sound like you are saying "thank" when you say "think" because of an accent, but it's another thing all together to write it.
Who does that!?!?!?! Who doesn't know the difference between "thank" and "think" ???
I swear the only time I've ever encountered that is with my students in Special Education. Which leads me back to my original question of a learning disability. I would probably be relieved if that were the case because I get what that's about. That makes total sense and doesn't equal ignorance. And it certainly doesn't indicate a character flaw or anything. But it's not like I'm gonna ask him, "Hey, by the way, would you have been in my class when you were in high school?"
But to me, just not knowing there is a difference DOES indicate ignorance and a lack of education. To me, that indicates a major flaw. That's pretty basic and elementary. How do you get through high school and NOT know the difference? I don't think there is any excuse for that in this day and age.
Which leads me back to the thought that if it's a disability then I'm ok with it, but if it's ignorance then I'm not. I guess maybe that will become more apparent as time goes by.
I think that if you would have explored this in the original blog then people would have understood what you meant in your description of this person. This is more refined and we are able to see through your eyes what you meant in your description of this person rather than the generalities that were posted.
Educator - That is hilarious! You made my day!
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