Don't you just love it when you find yourself with time you didn't expect to have? Well, I do and just did.
I arrived (2 textbooks and a highlighter in hand) outside Juvenile Court at 8:30 this morning for what was to be a day spent in a crowded waiting area for the case in which I would testify to be called. (see earlier CASA post)
A deputy manning the security screener took one look at me and my textbooks and said, "Let me guess. Jury duty."
"You're close," I replied.
I was ready for a long, slow day. My plan was to pass the time by catching up on my grad school required reading. But I'd barely opened to the first page when the case was called. All parties weren't even present. Within less than 10 minutes, I was done for the day.
WOW... now what?
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you probably know what my first thought was... MASSAGE. To my delight, the receptionist at one of the local spas said, "It's your lucky day!"
So, with a 90 minute massage scheduled later in the day, I'm off, textbooks and highlighter still in hand, to catch up on my reading.
Aren't you jealous?
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